We already have a local sci-fi assistant and nobody is impressed.
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Adding an Alacritty based drop-down terminal in AwesomeWM
I’ve recently switched a lot of my day to day tools. I’ve gotten disillusioned with Cinnamon for day to day use due to a long-standing bug with workspace switching. So when updating my setup to the latest Linux Mint LTS I thought I might try out alternatives.
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Sometimes it's really a bug in the language
A tale of a nasty bug, which turned out to be a bug in the language itself.
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Hobbies stick to it or jump around?
A quick share about my research on hobbies and the impact on brain health.
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Taskwarrior - a task management system without limits
Recently we’ve been reading “The CEO Within” at a book club at Toptal, where there was a chapter on todo tools. I haven’t been happy with my current setup, which is basically Asana + GCal. Yeah, it’s functional, but it doesn’t have that special something and it’s very slow.
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