I wanted to do some load impact tests on one of the apps I’m currently working
on and I read about weighttp. Unfortunately the instructions on the git repo
as well as some other placed left out a crucial piece of information, I got:
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Windows is terrible
It used to be that when committing to a Linux distribution on a new machine, you
just knew that you
would substantially level up your knowledge about the inner workings of
operating systems,
device drivers and programming languages.
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If you’re looking for a simple Markdown editor for Linux, look no further than UberWriter. It’s simple, it works, it’s minimal and you can get your work done.
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Building Stepmania from Source on Ubuntu
Just a reminder for the next time I need to build Stepmania from source.
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How to copy a heroku database between enviroments (apps)
Lets say you have two enviroments running as Heroku apps. These will be the stage and production enviroments accordingly:
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