How to install HomeAssistant with Z-Wave support on a RaspberyPi (Model B) ang get it
to work with a Aeon Z-Stick S2. Setup basic light switches.
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Little known job hunting tricks
Some minor tricks I often see people not use when interviewing for a job.
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Stressed about model tests hitting the database in Rails 4.2? Here's the solution
Disclaimer: this is more of a rant and a story about a lack of solution than it is a actual how-to. If you’re looking for answers, you will only have more questions at the end of this.
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How to triage bad SOLR indexing models
Simple script to see which SOLR indexes build the longest.
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Installing weighttp on Linux Mint 17 (or Ubuntu 14.04)
I wanted to do some load impact tests on one of the apps I’m currently working
on and I read about weighttp. Unfortunately the instructions on the git repo
as well as some other placed left out a crucial piece of information, I got:
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